Dubai mall barrier transparent LED screen

Product model: XRL series
Screen Size: 58㎡
Project Location: Dubai
Project Time: 2016

NEXNOVO transparent led display for the top highest skyscraper Dubai Tower

Most hear about one of the greatest modern building in the world, and sing it praises thousands of times. People believe that such an high-end and state-of -art building absolutely should be an platform for showing the great high tech to all human beings. That is why NEXNOVO.

Project for handrail, an initiative try.

As it turns out, it is a successful and remarkable project.

We R&D teams settle down all the following problems:

1. Power strong enough to support the super-long handrail, up to 70 meters.

2. Water-proof. The handrail is exposed to all passengers and their possible water pouring.

3. Firmness and Strongness: working as an guard rail in front of the aquarium, the handrail display will be leaned against by tourists when they are watching the performance.

So next time when you go to Dubai Tower, you maybe think of there exists an magic handrail.

Dubai mall barrier transparent LED screen(图1)

Dubai mall barrier transparent LED screen(图2)

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