Large-sized curved hollow glass LED scree

Product model: NE series
Screen Size: 340㎡
Project Location: China
Project Time: 2023

Adjacent to the landmark "Song of the Yangtze River Water Screen Performance Area," the MI'sflagship store, designed in the shape of a starfish with NovoGlass LED screens installed for curtain walls, serve as the visual core of the vibrant cluster, leaving a distinctive visual imprint on the entire project, attracting netizens to flock for photo opportunities!




The new MI's flagship store, with a total height of 10 meters, features a facade curtain wall designed with concealed and revealed components, utilizing single pieces of "NEXNOVO large-sized curved hollow glass LED screen" with an area of up to 6 square meters. This marks the successful application of this eco-friendly new building material in curtain walls for the first time.



Reference Projects